Chevy Blazer fan gets new seatbelts
Posted by Mike on 10/05/2011
A blazer owner sent us this very kind note:
"I just wanted to Thank you guys and your company for producing such a great product. I was pleased by how well your customer service was and the quality of the product. Thanks again."
We were able to take his worn out red belts and refresh them with both new webbing and a repainted cover.
In addition to new webbing and painting the housings, this project received new buckles & tongues, new door post fittings, and of course new web stop buttons. The original buckles were missing their covers and one of the two door post fittings was missing its cover as well. The Seat belt Doctor was already very familiar with the interior of K5 Blazers and knew which of our door post fittings would work best with this particular application. (The standard smaller one does not hide B-pillar wear from the factory door post fitting.) Also, because of existing knowledge on K5's, the 'the doc' knew that our 750mm memory cable end release buckles were the best option for replacing the factory buckles.
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